Missed Assignments, Textbooks, Snowdays, and Attendance

MISSED ASSIGNMENTS, DEADLINES AND TESTS If you have missed any class work, homework assignments and/or tests please consult with your College faculty. By missing assignments or tests or not handing your work in on time, you could be jeopardizing both your college credit and your high school credit. If you know you will be absent for a Dual Credit class, please contact your College faculty before the class by email as soon as possible, to make other arrangements. Failing to make arrangements with your faculty before an assignment is due may result in a mark of zero. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY Attendance is closely related to success. If you have missed three or more classes, you may not be eligible to receive the College credit. TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES As a Dual Credit student you do not pay out of pocket for any of the costs related with your courses. Textbooks, tools and materials that are provided by the Dual Credit program become the property and responsibility of the student for the duration of the course and should be handed back in good condition for reuse by future students. COURSE WITHDRAWAL If you are unsure that you will be able to complete the Dual Credit course, please let your high school teacher or College faculty know right away. Dual Credit students are required to complete a Dual Credit Drop Form. Without an official withdrawal, you will be considered as a registered student until the end of the course. The completed course drop form is a guarantee that you will not receive a zero as a final mark. The zero will stay permanently on your College record. Note: You will receive a transcript if you drop a Dual Credit course with a mark of “W” for withdrawal. This will not impact admission to a post-secondary school or your GPA. SNOW DAYS In the event of school bus cancellation due to a snow day, the Dual Credit class will be cancelled by the College faculty for that day and may be rescheduled in collaboration with the secondary school teacher.